Report a problem with a grit bin
Report an issue with a grit bin.
Report or request
Report an issue with:
- a Worcestershire County Council grit bin (these bins are yellow with a plate attached that includes the WCC logo and a bin number starting with S or N followed by four digits, the WCC web address can also be found on the bottom)
- any other grit bin that is presenting a hazard to highway users, for example if a parish bin (green) has been destroyed and is causing issues on a highway
Request a new:
- Worcestershire County Council grit bin (yellow)
- Parish Council grit bin (green) - requests from parish councils only
Do not report or request
Do not report a problem with a grit bin online if:
- your report relates to a risk to life, requiring immediate attention please contact West Mercia Police on 999
Do not request:
- a new green grit bin unless you are a representative of the local Parish Council
- a repair, relocation, replacement or refill of a Parish Council grit bin (green). Parish, Town, or District Council’s have the responsibility to fill and maintain green grit bins so please contact them directly
Important information
You will be given the option to pinpoint the location using our mapping tool.
Please use 'Additional Location Information' fields, where provided, to describe the exact location.
The Highways department review all requests received and determine the most appropriate action based on both the details you provided and any policies and procedures currently in operation.
Requests for new grit bins are assessed against pre-determined criteria, including the gradient of the road, proximity of bends and junctions, level of traffic use, number of premises/ residential dwellings and proximity of more vulnerable residents.