Births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and citizenship

Births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and citizenship

Information about our registration services, certificates, ceremony venues, citizenship, deed poll and the coroner's service.

Important announcements

Worcestershire Registration Service has relocated to The Hive, Sawmill Walk, The Butts, Worcester WR1 1PD with all appointments and statutory ceremonies taking place there until the remedial works have been completed at County Hall.

Details of how to access The Hive can be found on their website: The Hive

PLEASE NOTE: We are experiencing intermittent problems with our booking system for booking notices of marriage and notices of civil partnerships. Payment for notices will be required to be made at the time of the notice appointment to the Registrar until this issue is resolved. Our provider is aware and working on the issue but please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. 

Please complete an enquiry form on our website or email us at if your ceremony is within 3 months and we will respond to you within 3 working days.

Change of name (Deed Poll)

If you change your name, many official bodies will require an official 'Change of Name Deed' also known as a deed poll to accept your new name.

Customer service charter

The Worcestershire Registration Service has an agreed set of standards of customer service.

Certificate Ordering Service

Information about ordering or correcting birth, death, marriage and civil partnership certificates.

Foreign Pension: Proof of Life and Residence

If you are receiving a pension from a foreign country, we can provide a stamp to confirm your life and residence in the United Kingdom.

Registration offices

Registration offices in Worcestershire.

Registration fees

Our registration fees for ceremonies, certificates, booking and licence fees.

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