Compliments, comments or complaints

Compliments, comments or complaints

We want to hear from you if you have a compliment, comment or complaint about our services.

Help us to get it right

We are committed to providing high quality, affordable services to our customers. There are times when we do things well, but there may also be times when things go wrong, and you are left unhappy or dissatisfied. Your compliment, comment or complaint may be about:

  • the kind of services we offer
  • the services you receive
  • the lack of services
  • changes to services
  • costs of services
  • how helpful we have been


We want to hear from you whenever you feel the service you have received merits praise.


We very much welcome and seek your comments in order to assist us in continually developing and improving our services.


If you are not happy with a service then you have the right to complain and to be listened to.

Appeals relating to adult social care

If you disagree with a decision about your care assessment, personal budgets, support plan, or eligibility for funded social care, you should use our appeals process. If you've already appealed and are still unhappy with the result, you can raise a complaint.

If you need help communicating with us, we can arrange; large print or braille documentation, translation, text relay service, interpreting and sign language. 

If you need someone to speak up for you please look at Someone to speak up for you (advocacy) if you are an adult. If you are a young person in care or a care leaver then go to Coram Voice where you will find help and advice.

For more information please see Consumer Relations Privacy Notice.

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