Education reviews and consultations
The Local Authority is committed to raising educational standards and investing resources to improve opportunities for children and young people.
The views of residents and service users form an important part of the decision-making process. Recent consultations in relation to education policies are listed below.
Current reviews and consultations
Informal consultation on expansion of Governor led early years provision at Broadway First School
Pershore education planning area review 2024
Informal consultation on change of age range at Hagley Primary School
Nursery Assessment Unit Review
Completed reviews and consultations
Statutory Consultation on the proposed change of age range at Grove Primary School
Worcestershire County Council proposed to change the age range of Grove Primary School from 2 to 11 to 3 to 11 from 1 September 2024. This will allow the school to operate an Early Years Foundation Unit for pre-school age children the year before they are due to start school and reception age children.
The Local Authority is the sole proposer and decision maker for a change of this type. Any proposed changes at community schools must be published and an adequate representation period provided to allow interested parties to comment on the proposal before a decision made. This proposal has been made in agreement with the Governing Body and Senior Leadership of the school.
A four-week representation period ran from Monday 10 June 2024 and closed at midday on Monday 8 July 2024. Details of the proposal can be found below.
Statutory Proposal and Public Notice
- Full Statutory Proposal Grove Primary COAR (PDF)
- Statutory Proposal Public Notice Grove Primary COAR (PDF)
Following the four-week representation period, the Cabinet with Responsibility for Education was requested to decide the proposal. The change of age range from 2 to 11 to 3 to 11 years was approved on 9th August 2024.
Details of the decision and the responses to the proposal can be found at the Cabinet Member Decisions and Reports. The implementation of the change will take place on 1st January 2025.
Increase in Pupil Numbers at Fort Royal Special School, Wyre Forest Special School and Rigby Hall Special School 2023
The Local Authority are proposing to increase the number of places at Fort Royal Special School, Wyre Forest Special School and Rigby Hall Special School from September 2023.
The representation stage ran from Monday 10 July to Monday 7 August 2023 and responses were requested to be submitted via email to spp@worcestershire.gov.uk.
Please note: This consultation is now closed.
The full proposals for each school include:
- Full Proposal to increase number of pupils - Fort Royal Special School (PDF)
- Full Proposal to increase number of pupils - Rigby Hall Special School (PDF)
- Full Proposal to increase number of pupils - Wyre Forest Special School (PDF)
Public Notices were published on Monday 10 July in local papers at on school sites.
Following the representation stage, all responses will be considered prior to the decision being made by the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education.
The final decision is planned for Wednesday 30 August, the final report and notice are now published at Cabinet Member Decisions and Reports.
Closure of Kidderminster Base of The Beacon Primary Pupil Referral Unit 2023
Informal consultation
More information on the informal consultation
Formal consultation
The representation Stage ran from Wednesday 14 June 2023 to midday Wednesday 12 July 2023. This is now closed.
Following the representation stage, all responses were considered prior to the decision being made by the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Education. The final decision was made on Tuesday 1 August to close the Kidderminster base of The Beacon Primary Pupil Referral Unit (PRU).
Children that have been attending the Kidderminster site and that will continue to need the provision of a pupil referral unit will transfer to the brand-new Unity Free School in Kidderminster. Both schools will work closely with children and families to make this a smooth and safe transition.
The Unity Academy (Primary Pupil Referral Unit School), which will open from September 2023 will provide an education place for children who aren’t able to attend mainstream school and support children to be able to access their mainstream school. The Unity Academy, a Rivers Multi-Academy Trust school will work with other Wyre Forest primary schools to prevent exclusion and promote practice that supports children and families.
We recognise the positive education provision The Beacon PRU provides to children, young people and their families and this will continue across Redditch and Bromsgrove to deliver both preventative support and provision to support pupils who have experienced permanent exclusion.
The final CMR Decision Report and Notice are now published on the website.
Regency High School increase in pupil numbers 2023
Regency High School is proposing to increase the PAN from 230 to 298, they are looking to add an additional 4 classrooms to allow them to accommodate additional places.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of parents, carers and other interested stakeholders on the proposal to increase the school’s PAN from September 2023.
The consultation has now closed.
To view the consultation document and feedback form you can access this on the schools website.
New Worcester Secondary School
Wolverley C.E Secondary School expansion 2023
Informal consultation on enlargement of premises of Wolverley C.E Secondary School:
The Governing Body of Wolverley C.E Secondary School informally consulted on a proposal to permanently alter the Published Admission Number (PAN) of the school to 180.
It is proposed that 14 temporary classrooms will be replaced by a new classroom teaching block, and re-configuration of some of the existing permanent accommodation will deliver classrooms of the required size and supporting teaching and non-teaching spaces.
This consultation enabled all stakeholders to have a say as part of the initial consideration of this change. The Governing Body will take note of all responses, and at the conclusion of this consultation period, will consider any issues that have been raised before deciding whether to proceed with the proposed changes.
The Governing Body will consider evidence from various sources in order to reach a considered view on the merits of the proposal. The informal consultation period has now closed.
Email: office@wolverley.worcs.sch.uk
Address: Wolverley C.E Secondary School Blakeshall Lane, Wolverley, Kidderminster DY11 5XQ
Consultation document
Crown Meadow First School and Nursery age range 2022
The Governing Body of Crown Meadow First School and Nursery are informally consulting on consideration to amend the age range of the school from 3 to 9 to 2 to 9.
This consultation will enable all stakeholders to have a say as part of the initial consideration of this change. If supported, this proposal will be formally suggested to the Local Authority for the Cabinet Member for Education to determine whether to formally propose the change for the school. A further consultation period will then commence.
The informal consultation period closed on Friday 20 May 2022. Details of the proposal and response form can be found below and on the school website. Responses must be made by the closing date and submitted to the school office.
Email: office@crownmeadow.worcs.sch.uk
Address: Crown Meadow First School and Nursery, Birmingham Road, Alvechurch, B48 7TA.
Consultation document
Crown Meadow First School and Nursery informal consultation document (PDF)
Chawson First School age range 2022
Worcestershire County Council is proposing to amend the age range of Chawson First School from 5 to 9 to 3 to 9 from 1 September 2022 in order to incorporate their three-year-old nursery, currently operated under the Community Powers of the Governing Body, into the maintained provision of the school.
The Local Authority is the sole proposer and decision maker for a change of this type. Any proposed changes at community schools must be published and an adequate representation period provided to allow interested parties to comment on the proposal before a decision made. This proposal has been made in agreement with the Governing Body and Senior Leadership of the school.
The four-week representation period closed on Monday 25 April 2022.
Consultation document
Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School Autism Base 2021
The Governors of Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School sought views about the proposal to construct and operate a ten-pupil mainstream autism base. This will enable the school to build on its success as a wholly inclusive school, grow the SEND skills and resources within the school and better meet the needs and secure the futures of vulnerable pupils.
This change was for January 2022. Responses to this consultation closed on Sunday 25 April 2021.
Mainstream Autism Base at Chaddesley Corbett Endowed Primary School consultation document (PDF)
Offmore Primary School age range 2021
Offmore Primary School sought views on consideration of a change of age range from 3 to 11 to 2 to 11. This will enable the school to incorporate the two-year old provision at the school, currently operated under the Community Powers of the Governing Body, into a maintained nursery of the school.
This change was being considered for September 2021.
Proposed change of age range at Offmore Primary School consultation document (PDF)
Pershore Education Planning Area Review 2021
Why do we need to review the Pershore education planning area?
Changes to schools in the Pershore education planning area over several years has led to uncertainty and sustainability concerns across the education planning area.
In September 2019 three first schools in the Pershore area were approved to change to primary schools by the Regional Schools Commissioner along with Pershore High School to create an option for a two-tier system of education for families.
The creation of additional places in years 5, 6 and 7 as a result of the approved changes has resulted in a forecast level of surplus places in these year groups. By 2023 we anticipate that two of the middle schools in the area will be operating at around 50% capacity, which creates significant difficulty to provide key stage 3 (Year 7, ages 10 to 11) curriculum in particular.
Over the last two years, we have seen parents in the Pershore area choosing a Primary and Secondary (two-tier system) education in their school admissions applications, with an increasing percentage choosing to remain at already converted primary schools and a number choosing to transfer from first to primary schools.
This creates a risk to ensuring clear and quality education journeys for pupils.
Ultimately, this transition is being undertaken because we want to ensure:
- every child has a clear and transparent education journey
- schools are supported to deliver good education outcomes in a stable and known education system
- schools are able to deliver a full curriculum and remain sustainable and financially viable
During 2020 to 2021 Worcestershire Children First (WCF) has facilitated engagement with education stakeholders including all schools in the pyramid; Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) CEOs; the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC); and the Diocese to find agreed solutions to manage this risk within the education planning area.
In July 2021 all of the schools’ governing bodies and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) confirmed their agreement / intentions to consult on the proposed change to a two-tier Education Planning area, seek changes of age range (where necessary) and in the instance of the Middle Schools amalgamate with the First Schools.
The transition to a fully two-tier education system in the Pershore education planning area was approved by Cabinet in April 2022, subject to funding being fully secured. For more information please see agenda and minutes
Public Consultation Engagement has now closed
The consultation on changes to schools in the Pershore area has now closed.
The consultation ran from 11 October to 26 November 2021 and provided stakeholders with an opportunity to share views about what is important about age ranges of schools and transitions. Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Children First received a total of 270 responses from stakeholders, including parent carers, school staff, pupils, governing boards, local residents, other local schools and interested stakeholders.
Pershore Area Consultation Autumn 2021 (PDF)
Individual school proposals
To learn more about the individual school proposals, please visit each school’s website (linked below)
- Abbey Park First & Middle Schools
- Defford-cum-Besford First School
- Fladbury CE First School
- Pershore High School
- Pinvin CE First and St Nicholas’ CE Middle
- St Barnabas CofE First and Middle School
- Upton Snodsbury CofE First School
What happens next?
- stage one: establishing the need for change completed June 2021
- stage two: agreement from Governing Bodies and Multi-Academy Trusts to consult on proposal completed September 2021
- stage three: consultation on proposals closed 26 November 2021
- stage four: submission of formal proposals during December 2021 to February 2022
- stage five: final decisions due February 2022
- stage six: If approved, implementation of proposals
Medical Education provision commissioned service delivery model 2021
Worcestershire Children First (WCF) completed a review of the Medical Education Provision and presented this to Worcestershire County Council Cabinet on the 18 March 2021.
View the Cabinet papers for the 18 March 2021
Following public consultation WCF sought approval from Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Education, 3 August 2021, to progress the proposed commissioning of the Medical Education Provision within Worcestershire.
WCF is tendering for the provision of education for children who are unable to attend school because of medical needs. The service is required to provide an excellent educational experience, which ensures children and young people make good academic, social, and emotional progress, allows them to work towards and gain appropriate qualifications, and health permitting, to return to school as quickly as possible. The service will also be required to support the Medical Education Pathway through Outreach support, building the capacity of mainstream schools to better meet the needs of children and young people with medical needs.
This new provision will offer an improved infrastructure and educational offer inclusive of facilities, IT, and curriculum options. It would also be registered with Ofsted. In addition, pupil-led funding will follow the child for the time spent away from their school.
The tender for this closed on Thursday 4 November 2021
Non-Statutory consultation on the proposal to amalgamate Broadwas Bumblebees Pre-School and Broadwas CE Primary School 2023
The Governing Body of Broadwas CE Primary School and the Committee of Bumblebees Preschool are informally consulting on a proposed amalgamation of the two organisations. This will enable the school to incorporate the two to four year old provision currently operated by Broadwas Bumblebees Committee under the Community Powers of the Governing Body, into a nursery run by the school Governing Body.
This consultation will enable all stakeholders to have a say as part of the initial consideration of this change. If supported, the Governing Body of the school determine whether to make the change for the school.
The informal consultation period closed on Tuesday 17 October 2023.
Details of the proposal and response form can be found below and on the school website. Responses must be made by the closing date and submitted to the school office.
Email: office@broadwas.worcs.sch.uk
Address: Broadwas CE Primary School, Broadwas-on-Teme, Worcester, WR6 5NE.