Home education and flexi-schooling
Information about home education and flexi-schooling for schools, parents and pupils.
Home education
Home education enables parents to provide a learning environment which is individualised to their child's needs and interests without having to follow the National Curriculum; although some parents may choose to do so. The Local Authority can provide you with information, advice and guidance on approaches to home education at parents' requests.
Here are a few of the things to consider when thinking about home education:
- is your child positive about the suggestion?
- are you convinced it is the best course of action for your child?
- do you have the time to devote to your child’s education on a regular basis?
- do you feel you are able to provide your child with a suitable education?
- are you able to buy the necessary resources or have access to them?
- do you have some support available?
- do you have the space available for a quiet working area?
- are there are opportunities for physical exercise?
- are there opportunities for socialising with other children?
Deciding to educate your child at home is a major step that not only involves commitment but also a tremendous investment in time and energy so it is well worth talking to someone who has experience of home education before finally making a decision.
The home education service can be contacted by emailing: ElectiveHomeEducation@worcestershire.gov.uk.
Flexi-Schooling is an arrangement between parent and school where children of compulsory school age are on roll at a school but where the provision is split between attendance at school and home education arranged by the parents or carers.
This guidance provides some more detail for schools, parents and carers: Flexi-Schooling Guidance (PDF)
Where can I find support and guidance?
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is at 'arm's length' from Worcestershire's Local Authority and are able to give impartial and neutral advice.
They support parents and carers of children with SEND, children and young people themselves and provide many services to facilitate this support.