Report other road and footway issues
Report other issues including obstructions, manhole covers and damaged signs on a road or footway.
Report an issue with:
- a dead animal on the highway
- faded road markings
- loose manhole cover
- obstructions e.g. debris from roadworks, bollards, fly-tipping on the highway
- signage e.g. damaged or missing road signs
- other issues
Do not report
Do not report a problem online if:
- your report relates to a risk to life, requiring immediate attention, please contact the Police on 999
- your report relates to the A46 and motorways, for these locations please contact National Highways or use their reporting tool
- it is on a private road
Contact your district council for any of the following issues:
- building control is managed by North and South Worcestershire Building Control (a collective of District Councils within each region)
- deceased animals which do not block a road for general disposal of deceased animals
- land drainage
- litter or dog fouling
- fly-tipping that is not obstructing the highway
- penalty Charge Notice (PCN) we maintain Sansome Street and Lowesmoor bus lanes only
- road sweeping and street cleaning
- street name plates
Other issues
For issues regarding speeding, contact the police.
For issues with Pest control, please contact Worcestershire Regulatory Services or a private pest control company.