Information sharing and use
The use and sharing of information, privacy, GDPR, freedom of information requests and the local government transparency code.
Freedom of Information
Rights of access to recorded information held by public authorities, unless a specified exemption applies.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
How we process and handle data, with the key aim of giving greater protection and rights to individuals.
GDPR information for our suppliers and contractors
Businesses and organisations who provide services to other businesses and organisations under contract now have direct obligations under GDPR.
Information use and privacy statements
How we collect, store and handle your personal information and what your information rights are.
Make a Data Protection Request
Individuals have the right to request access to their personal data or make a request to exercise any other information rights.
Re-use of Public Sector information
Achieving the minimum standards of fairness and transparency in relation to the re-use of its information.
Local Government Transparency Code
The minimum data and information that all Local Authorities must publish, the frequency it should be published and how it should be published.
Publication scheme
View the publication scheme.
Information and records management
Understanding what is information and records management, why we retain information, how long we keep information for and how we dispose of information.
National Data Opt-Out
How we collect, store and handle your personal information and what your information rights are.
Prevention and detection of fraud
Tackling fraud is an important part of ensuring that tax-payers money is used to protect resources for front line services.