The Virtual School

The Virtual School

Welcome from the Virtual School Headteacher.

Our School aims to promote high aspirations for our children placed in care and previously looked after, to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to succeed and develop their full potential. We believe that every individual is capable of achieving.

What is a virtual school?

Find out more about the Virtual School.

Our team

Who are the Virtual School team? Find out more here.

Virtual School funding

Summary of available sources of funding.

Useful links to guidance and resources

Collection of useful links to guidance and resources.

Virtual School news and events

A variety of different activities and events available to those within the Virtual School.

Early years

In the Worcestershire Virtual School team there are two people supporting children looked after within the early years' foundation stage.

Children and young people mental wellbeing

Mental health conditions can show their first signs in childhood and there are ways to support children and young people with their mental health.

Personal education plan

 A personal education plan is an evolving record of what needs to happen for children looked after to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential.

Post 16 support

The Virtual School team there are two learning advocates supporting young people who are post 16 children looked after.

Previously looked after children

A previously looked after child potentially remains vulnerable and all staff should have the skills, knowledge and understanding to keep previously looked after children safe.

Social, emotional and mental health

The Department for Education has published a list of resources dedicated to children's mental health and well-being.

Special Educational Need and/or Disability

Information for a child or young person that has a Special Educational Need and/or Disability.

Support for foster carers

Looking after a fostered child is a complex and challenging role, here you will find some useful resources to help you.

The extended role of the Virtual School

The Virtual School Head’s role has been extended to include the strategic leadership of promoting the education outcomes of all children and young people with a social worker, this section explains what is involved.

Virtual school training and bespoke packages for schools

We offer a wide range of training, support, and information sharing events which focus on the specific needs of Looked After Children.

Virtual School safeguarding

Download the Virtual School safeguarding policies and principles. 

Kinship care

From September 2024 Worcestershire Virtual school will provide advice and information to all kinship carers with special guardianship and child arrangements orders as part of their non-statutory role.

Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC)

As an authority, we recognise the need to support our UASC living in and outside of Worcestershire.

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