Early years information library Additional support and resources for pupils in the early years foundation stage, from the age of two. Select each of the sections below for additional support and resources: General reading guidance See all the guidance below: Progress check at age 2 (GOV.UK) DfE's Help for Early Years Providers, childminders and staff in Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) settings Starting Well Partnership (NHS) supporting families, parents, children and young people DfE Development Matters non-statutory curriculum guidance (GOV.UK) Download or buy a copy of Birth to 5 Matters Framework for Evaluating Provision for Looked After Children (PDF) Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework (GOV.UK) Learning, Playing and Interacting - Good practice in the Early Years Foundation Stage Help for early years providers - Department for Education The reading framework: teaching the foundations of literacy from (GOV.UK) resources from The National Strategies Primary to help practitioners help children with mathematics Early Childhood Maths Group (ECMG) toolkit on spatial reasoning The importance of the voice of the child Guidance from Worcestershire Virtual School Download: Characteristics of Effective Learning (words to help) (PDF) Early Years Pathway for Social Workers (PDF) Introduction to the role of the Early Years Area Learning Advocate (PDF) Promoting positive behaviour management (PDF) Worcestershire Early Years Child Voice Guidance (PDF) Worcestershire EYFS SMART targets (Word) EYFS Assessment areas Guidance (PDF) Guidance for completion of SEND section of PEP (Word) Our Early Years SEMH Offer We recognise Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) is paramount to successful learning for all our EYFS children: Our Early Years SEMH offer (PDF) Please note: some offers may differ depending on whether your school is in or out of county. Statutory guidance How local authorities and early years settings should provide the entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 year-olds: 30 hours free childcare: LA and early years provider guide (GOV.UK) Support and guidance for carers See all support and guidance below: A Celebratory Approach to Working with Children with SEND (PDF) Babies' adventures in Music from YouTube BBC bitesize B'Opera Collar and Cuffs Co Curriculum focused independent learning resource from TTS Early Arts Early learning and development - Start for Life (NHS) Early Years Professional Development Programme Education Endowment Foundation Family corner free online learning for all the family Feeling Better Hungry Little MInds JABADAO Little Hands Little Bins Oxford Owl Parenting Smart (Place2Be) Second Hand Dance Solihull Approach - FREE online parenting courses Spark Arts TailfeatherTV - YouTube Talent 25 What to expect in the EYFS (PDF) Related Virtual School early years Worcestershire Virtual School support pupils in the early years foundation stage, from the age of two.
Virtual School early years Worcestershire Virtual School support pupils in the early years foundation stage, from the age of two.