Virtual School post-16 support
In the Worcestershire Virtual School team there are two learning advocates supporting young people who are post-16 children looked after.
The post-16 Worcestershire Virtual School team helps young people aged 16 to 18 (in years 12 and 13) who are in care (Children Looked After, or CLA). These young people are both in and out of the county and in education, employment, training, or NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).
Every young person in care needs a Personal Education Plan (PEP), also known at post-16 as a Personal Progression Plan (PPP), which is reviewed three times a year. The PEP or PPP is part of their overall care plan.
Post-16 Learning Advocates (LA's) help manage the PEP or PPP process. They work with schools, social workers, employers, training providers, and other professionals to track progress. They also help remove any obstacles to success, ensuring that every young person in care has high expectations and opportunities to do well.