Change existing details on your Concessionary Bus Pass
To notify us that you have moved or changed your address, please complete the form below and we will update your details.
If you have changed your name, please complete the form below and we will issue you with a new pass. You can expect to receive your pass within 28 days of all evidence being received.
Address changes:
- if you have moved within Worcestershire, your address details will be updated and your current pass will remain valid
- if you have moved into Worcestershire and you hold a current Concessionary Travel Pass, you will need to cancel the pass with the issuing Local Authority and apply for a new bus pass with Worcestershire County Council
- if you are moving outside of Worcestershire - please use the Bus pass no longer needed form
Bus pass no longer needed form
Information required to update your pass
- your existing bus pass number
- evidence of new name/address
- a photograph of yourself