Professionals, providers and policies in Adult Social Care
Policies, strategies, support and guidance for care providers and professionals in adult social care.
Make referrals into Adult Social Care
Raise wellbeing concerns and make referrals for care and support into Adult Social Care.
Report a safeguarding concern about an adult
What to do if you think an adult is being abused or is at risk of abuse.
Deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS)
How people in hospitals or care homes who lack the capacity to consent to certain treatments are protected.
Approved Mental Health Professional Service
The Approved Mental Health Professional Service (AMPH) is responsible for undertaking assessments under the Mental Health Act 1983.
Single view of an adult for professionals
Information for professionals on adults who receive services and support from Adult Social Care.
Policies and strategies
Adult social care strategies and policies
Strategies and policies Worcestershire County Council has to support adults of Worcestershire to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Mental health strategies and policies
Find out about different strategies and policies Worcestershire County Council follows to support people with their mental health.
Learning disabilities strategies and policies
Find out about different strategies and policies Worcestershire County Council follows to support people with learning disabilities.
All Age Carers Strategy
Working with partners across health, social care, the voluntary sector, and Carers themselves to co-produce a new Carers Strategy for Worcestershire.
Worcestershire Autism Partnership Board and Autism Strategy
Set up to inform and shape a local autism strategy and action plan for Worcestershire in adherence with the Autism Act 2009.
Worcestershire Safeguarding Board policies and procedures
Policies, procedures and guidance for national best practice, whistleblowing, Complex Adults Risk Management and competency frameworks.
Adult Social Care Local Account
Our Local Account sets out how well we are doing at meeting the needs of residents who require care and support.
Corporate Procurement Strategy
Read about our procurement strategy for Worcestershire County Council.
Choosing accommodation
Our aim is to enable people to continue to live safely and independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
Information for providers
Provider portal and payments
Information, advice and guidance for WCC contracted providers on payments, schedules and finance systems.
Resources and training for adult social care providers
Helpful resources and training guidance for adult social care providers in Worcestershire.
Working with Worcestershire
Information for current and prospective adult social care providers in Worcestershire.
Provider consultations
Find out about current consultations for providers and how to have your say.
Quality Assurance (Adults)
The Quality Assurance Team monitor the quality of services provided by contracted providers on behalf of the Council.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and support
Find out latest government guidance and legislation in relation to Coronavirus.
Other useful information
Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board
Information on the safeguarding of children and adults provided by a partnership between Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) and Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP).
Assessments and eligibility
Information about the eligibility criteria and assessments for adult social care support.
Adult social care and support services CQC ratings
Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings for our Worcestershire County Council care and support services.
Adult social care workforce development
Working for Worcestershire, career development and learning opportunities in adult social care.
Professionals, providers and policies in Children's Social Care
Policies, strategies, support and guidance for care providers and professionals in children's social care.
How to make a referral to adult social care
You can find all routes to contact adult social care, including professional referrals.
Contact information for professionals
Contact information for professionals regarding adult social care,
Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF)
The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) is a set of national measures used to look at how well care and support services are doing. They focus on outcomes for the people who use them and for their carers.