Our Corporate Procurement Strategy
Our strategy outlines the vision our Commercial Team has set out to meet the Council's priorities for the benefit of residents of Worcestershire.
Foreword from Councillor Adam Kent

As the Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Corporate Services and Communication, it is my role to help ensure our organisation is operating in a commercially astute and appropriate manner. I have set unequivocal expectations that how we conduct business, and how we operate on a day-to-day basis should demonstrate a clear consideration of the commercial implications of our decisions. That we should continually and consistently strive to ensure value for money is achieved from our expenditure. And that we should treat every pound that we spend as if it is our own.
In working closely with the commercial team within my portfolio, we have established a strategy that recognises the importance of engagement and input across all areas of the Authority, but with a particular focus on increasing Member engagement and consequently the representation of our constituents. Our strategy outlines how we will go about improving our commercial culture organisation wide, and how in turn we improve the value for money achieved from our £600m+ of third party expenditure year on year. And our strategy defines how we will strive to drive social benefits/ value and demonstrate a clear corporate social responsibility, supporting local businesses wherever we can, and creating employment opportunities right here in Worcestershire.
As an organisation, we have embarked on a transformation programme which will fundamentally change how we deliver procurement and commercial activities within the Council. We want to embody a culture where every officer feels accountable and responsible for every pound we spend. We want to ensure we are structured in a way that allows us to leverage the vast expertise and experience we possess to support the wider organisation in delivering our commercial aspirations. And we want to enable effective decision making through the good use of our systems, data and information, in a meaningful and real-time manner.
There are significant challenges ahead for the finances of public services. And it has never been more important to ensure we are achieving the greatest value possible from the money we spend. As the CMR responsible for commercial services, I will continue to work with the commercial team to achieve our commercial aims. And to challenge the organisation to demonstrate we are performing in this regard. I believe this strategy is a key step in achieving these aspirations and I am fully supportive of the proposals herein.
Councillor Adam Kent
Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Corporate Services and Communication