Draft local habitat map

Draft local habitat map

The Local Habitat Map and where nature recovery measures could potentially be delivered.

Draft Local Habitat Map

Local Nature Recovery Strategies must include a Local Habitat Map, the purpose of which is to provide a clear, visual way for stakeholders to understand the areas which are or which could become of particular importance for biodiversity and the natural environment to target nature recovery action. 

Some of the content of the map is required by law: these are Worcestershire’s existing areas of importance for biodiversity. Areas that could become of importance for biodiversity will be locations where measures are proposed for nature recovery activity to take place. 

This Draft Local Habitat Map was published in January 2024 as part of our Issues and Options Consultation and is now available for reference only. An updated Draft Local Habitat Map will be published for public consultation in 2025 in support of the Draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).

Access the Draft Local Habitat Map

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