Woodland guidelines
The Woodland guidelines document provides guidance on native woodland planting and management in Worcestershire.
The Woodland guidelines ("Trees and Woodland in Worcestershire: Biodiversity and Landscape Guidelines for their planning and management") document provides guidance on native woodland planting and management in Worcestershire to aid the creation of new woodland or management of existing woodland that will benefit woodland landscape character and biodiversity.
- Download: Woodland guidelines document (PDF)
The guidelines were written in 2010 by Worcestershire County Council and Forestry Commission to accompany regional and national strategies and policies published at the same time. The landscape elements of the document are based on the Landscape Character Assessment undertaken for Worcestershire. The biodiversity elements are derived from work to identify Natural Areas for Worcestershire. Both of these evidence bases underpin subsequent strategy and policy development at a county level.
Biodiversity and landscape guidelines for Woodland mapping tool
GIS-based tool has been developed to provide an interactive version of the Woodland guidelines document. The tool allows you to view the maps and access the information within the Woodland guidelines document using GIS functionality.