Clone of Healthy Lifestyle Referrals - Option 2

Clone of Healthy Lifestyle Referrals - Option 2

Information on what this page is and who it is for TBC.

Option 2 

A dedicated landing page for all referrals that sign-post to exisiting content for each topic and the referall information is on the the dedicated content page.

Alcohol use

Information, advice and support for anyone who has a problem with alcohol use.

Domestic abuse support

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and violence, or know someone who is, there is help available.

Drug use

Drug use can affect your physical and mental health, your family life, relationships and your work or study.

Get active

Being physically active everyday can improve our physical and mental wellbeing as well as help to maintain a healthy weight.

Healthy eating and weight management

NOTE: Suggest we rename this page and add in links for support and referrals.

Stop smoking support

Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make for your health.

Sexual health (WISH link needs to be added to the content page)

Information and support on all areas of sexual health.

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