Courses for parents, carers and grandparents (DRAFT - Best start)
Find out about courses for parents, carers and grandparents.
Worcestershire has partnered with The Solihull Approach to offer free online courses for parents, carers, grandparents and teens living in the county.
Fully funded courses are for ALL Worcestershire parents-to-be, parents, grandparents and carers of any child from pregnancy up to teenage years.
What is the Solihull Approach?
How to access the courses
To access the online courses and sign up, use the link below
Sign up to online parenting courses
Use the access code: PARENTSROCK
You will then need to create your account and select the course/s you want to do (you can do them all over time). Once registered, you have unlimited access to all courses.
Find out more about some of the courses available below.