Early Help training and events
We provide a dedicated training programme for practitioners working with children, young people and their families in Worcestershire.
More information can be found here: Children and Young People's Workforce Development and Vocational Qualifications
There is also specific training for the safeguarding of children and young people which includes courses on Female Genital Mutilation, Child Sexual Exploitation and Safe Recruitment.
Early Help in your community events
Each year we run 6 Early Help in your community events across Worcestershire over the course of two months. These events take place in venues in the following districts - Bromsgrove, Malvern, Redditch, Worcester, Wychavon and Wyre Forest.
We all know that Early Help and support is of key importance in working and supporting children, young people and their families, helping them to achieve their best now and into their future.
These events are an exciting opportunity to bring together a wide range of organisations and groups who work in your community and county wide who offer support, advice or services to children, young people and their families locally.
There will be a number of organisations represented such as Mental Health Support, Finance Support, etc, with lots of information available and an opportunity to ask questions and find out more. This is a fantastic opportunity to network and build relationships and knowledge within the local community.
Please note: 2023 events have now finished. If you would like more information on how to get involved please email us at: earlyhelppartnership@worcestershire.gov.uk
Early Help bitesize online training
The training will be delivered four times a year by key partners including the Police, education and health.
These four sessions will cover the four areas:
- what is Early Help?
- how to creatively gather the child’s voice
- completing an Early Help assessment
- holding a team around the family meeting
The workshops will include:
- speakers from Education and Health - each will explore how they complete an Early Help Assessments (EHA) and Plan in their own organisation and how this contributes to supporting children and families at the earliest opportunity
- how to creatively gather the child’s voice to inform Early Help Assessments and Plans
- how to implement the Early Help Pathway
- how to hold a Team Around the Family (TAF), when meetings should take place, and when a concern identifies the need for a multi-agency response
Providing Early Help In Worcestershire Workshop
Please note when completing the booking form: When booking if you are asked do you have an account select no thanks. The course is free so click on public in the course price section. When asked to select organisation from dropdown box choose public, then enter your address.
Domestic abuse training
This (recently updated) training has been running since February 2019. This training has been commissioned by the Council (Public Health) and is taking place online via zoom. The provider of this training is Sarah Wigley Associates who have experience of designing and delivering training both nationally, within local authorities and to a range of agencies.
The feedback received from delegates so far has been exceptionally positive and highlights not only an increase in knowledge but also an increased confidence when applying the learning to professional practice.
There are three modules of training and the learning outcomes can be provided upon request. This training is free. Your delegates feedback is important so we can continue to evaluate the training to ensure it meets our collective needs.
- Module 1: Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse
- Module 2: Working with Domestic Abuse within the context of Multi Agency Working - promoting critically reflective practice
- Module 3: Understanding and Working with Perpetrators
Time of module courses: 9:30am to 4:00pm
To apply for a place please email: bookings@sarahwigleyassociates.co.uk
Multi Agency GET SAFE Workshops
This session is in addition to the Raising Awareness of Exploitation and Vulnerability. This workshop aims to provide you with practical knowledge of the GET SAFE processes for partners within Worcestershire, and provide case examples of GET SAFE Risk Assessments.
Learning outcomes:
- explanation of what GET SAFE is in Worcestershire and partners involved
- provide information about the GET SAFE processes within Worcestershire, including the weekly meeting
- explore the GET SAFE risk assessment tool, focusing on contextual safeguarding model
- review what partnership interventions and support is available within Worcestershire
Dates for 2025
- Thursday 3 April 2025 from 2:00m to 4:00pm
- Friday 18 July 2025 from 9:30am to 11:30am
- Tuesday 9 September from 9:30am to 11:30am
- Friday 12 December 2025 from 2:00m to 4:00pm
Signs of Safety Partnership Training
Course booking instructions:
- do you have an account – choose 'no thanks'
- course price - click in public circle
- select organisation from dropdown box – public
- put in your address
- then click book course
Reducing Parental Conflict training
Harmony at Home is our approach to the Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) initiative in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and organisations from our multi-agency Reference group.
This training will cover parental conflict, which can range from a lack of warmth and emotional distance, right through to swearing and shouting, and is known to be a risk factor for poor child outcomes, particularly when conflict is frequent, intense and poorly resolved. There is growing understanding and awareness of the need to address and reduce parental conflict that sits below a domestic abuse or violence threshold.
The Energy Crisis - what is available
Are you a front line worker in Worcestershire who works with vulnerable people? Has the recent cost of living crisis worried you or the people that you work with?
The pressures over the last couple of years have left more households than ever struggling to pay their energy bills – even with Government support. Having a better understanding of fuel poverty, and what steps can be taken to tackle it, could help you support those most in need.
This free training session will cover:
Fuel Poverty
- what is Fuel Poverty
- Fuel Poverty impacts in Worcestershire
- what does Fuel Poverty actually look like – how can you spot it?
- the issues with damp and mould
Energy Crisis
- myth busting
- top tips on talking with suppliers
- how we can mitigate against higher prices
- grants and funding available
To view and book onto planned dates please click on the following link:
Worcestershire Safeguarding Board Training
Multi-agency training enables professionals to work effectively both within their own agency and across organisational boundaries. Training people together can make a significant contribution to building mutually respectful and trusting relationships, which forms the foundation of partnership working.
Worcestershire Safeguarding Board Training (WSCP) aims to:
- improve communication between professionals and others working with children, young people and families
- develop a shared understanding of roles and responsibilities
- contribute to whatever actions are needed to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare
- improve assessment, analysis and decision making
- improve effective working together based on sound working relationship