Corporate parenting
When a child comes into care, Worcestershire County Council becomes their corporate parent, the same is true for care leavers.
When a child comes into care, they become 'looked after' and the Council becomes their Corporate Parent. The same is true for our Care Leavers. This means that everyone who works for the Council, in any capacity, its elected members and its partners, for example, Health, Police, District Councils, housing providers and the voluntary sector. In fact all those who play any part in making decisions for children in Worcestershire – have a special and important responsibility in fulfilling the corporate parent role.
Put simply, the term ‘Corporate Parent’ means the collective responsibility of the whole Council, elected members, employees, and partner agencies, for providing the best possible care and safeguarding for looked after children and care leavers.
Being a good corporate parent means:
- seeking the same outcomes any good parent would want for their own child
- accepting responsibility for all children and young people in the Council’s care
- making their needs a priority and acting appropriately with clarity
- listening to the views of our children and young people and taking account of them
- giving our young people the support they need as they move into adulthood
Corporate Parenting Board Pledge
Our Corporate Parenting Pledge to looked after children and care leavers:
- pledge 1: Support and help you to keep safe and prevent bullying
- pledge 2: Ensure that you physical and emotional health and well-being is fully supported
- pledge 3: Make sure that your learning is a priority and opportunities maximised to achieve the best outcomes for you
- pledge 4: Support you to leave care when it is safe to do so
- pledge 5: Support your carers by helping them to help you grow and develop into adulthood
- pledge 6: Help you meet regularly with those who are responsible in supporting and caring for you
- pledge 7: Work hard to minimise the number of changes you have in your social worker or Personal Advisor
- pledge 8: Help you to access a range of fun and leisure activities
- pledge 9: Ensure you are fully involved in key decisions being made about your care
- pledge 10: Your carers will make day to day decisions so there is no delay in you being able to carry out safe activities of your choice
- pledge 11: Our aspirations and goals as Corporate Parents will be the same as any good parent. We will require the best for our looked after children not just 'good enough
The Corporate Parenting Board
The Corporate Parenting Board provides leadership and a governance structure for corporate parenting in order to drive forward the outcomes for looked after children and care leavers. It oversees the Board's strategy and promotes our pledges to children in care and care leavers. It promotes the voice of children and young people is influential in decision making. It also provides challenge and scrutiny to ensure the best outcomes are achieved for children in care and care leavers.
The Corporate Parenting Board meets every two months and is a multi-agency group that includes young people.
Visit the Corporate Parenting Board web page for more information.