Trading standards - Business advice services
From start-ups and small businesses to importers and manufacturers, we can help you navigate complex legislation to protect your business and support good customer service.
Professional advice and support
Our professional advice and support will reduce risk while allowing businesses to grow and invest with confidence. Whether you want clarity on a specific issue or a solution to a complex problem, we can provide the help you need.
We offer businesses in the Worcestershire County Council area, a regulatory needs assessment with one of our officers to discuss your needs. During the assessment, we will identify how we can help you.
Depending on your requirements we may be able to signpost you to guidance which is free of charge; failing that we can provide you with chargeable advice tailored to your business or a full package of support. Any costs will be discussed during the assessment.
On a case-by-case basis we will also consider applications from businesses outside the County to enter a Primary Authority Partnership.
There will be no charge for inspections, the examination of production processes, procedures, and records (including informal and formal analysis) as a result of intelligence-led, risk-based inspections, investigations or projects instigated by this Service.
Worcestershire Trading Standards Service Business Advice Policy (PDF)
Business advice leaflets
Information and advice for businesses.
Primary Authority
Information about Primary Authority as a statutory scheme for businesses trading across local authority boundaries.
Helping you identify your regulatory needs as a business
Guidance for you to identify and assess your regulatory needs.
Trading Standards applications, licences and payments
Find information on areas such as animal movements, bulk fuel, petrol, fireworks and explosives.
Trading Standards - Verification service and fees
In general, most types of weighing or measuring equipment must be tested and verified as correct before it can be used for trade purposes, either for the first time when new or after repair.
Do You sell age restricted products or services?
Don’t put your livelihood at risk sign up to our free training and stay on the right side of the law.