Garrett Learning case study
Mentoring Worcestershire case study - Garrett Learning
The Mentoring Worcestershire initiative has given business owners across the county a boost in confidence and helped them to re-evaluate their business strategy. Wendy Garrett, founder of Kidderminster-based start-up Garrett Learning, is one such beneficiary. Following redundancy in 2020, Wendy launched Garrett Learning, a dynamic learning and development agency dedicated to partnering with organisations to help their teams reach their full potential, step by step.
How has the mentoring shaped your business?
“I started Garrett Learning in July 2020 after being made redundant from a learning and development role. My business provides leadership and management courses, and mental health first aid courses. In November 2023 I undertook the mentoring sessions with Darren. Darren was extremely helpful in clarifying the direction I want to take Garrett Learning and exploring the possibilities for its future. He worked with me to create an 18-month plan, outlining the vision I have, how to set those goals, and the steps I need to take to achieve them.
“He was kind and understanding and gave sound advice backed up with his personal experiences backed up with his personal experiences of successes and how to overcome challenges, which created a safe space to think about the business and to think about myself.”
How did you find out about the programme?
“I went to a Chamber of Commerce event at Stone Manor in Kidderminster for business leaders in Worcestershire and they talked about business grants, mentoring and training schemes. After the event, I enquired about business mentoring and was accepted onto the programme.”
Support following the programme
“The mentoring programme unlocks doors, and Darren has been regularly in touch ever since. The mentoring stopped but the business relationship didn't.”
Worcestershire County Council offers a range of business support initiatives to enable start-up and early-stage enterprises to develop and thrive. The support includes start-up workshops, business coaching, mentorship, and grant funding to help take your business ideas to the next level.
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