Sample tools for gathering Children and Young People’s (CYP) views at Annual Reviews (AR) (DRAFT)
Useful resources for gathering views:
Download: Adapted Questionniares about EHC Processes for CYP (Word)
Download: My Life, My Future Annual Review Pupil Views Wyre Forest (PDF)
Download: Pupil views symbol simplified likes and dislikes, Wyre Forest (Word)
Download: Pupil views symbols - annual review one page, Wyre Forest (Word)
Additional resources
NDTI- PfA Year 9 Annual Review Guide: Year-9-Annual-Review-Guide.pdf (ndti.org.uk)
NDTI – PfA outcomes across the age range: PfA-Outcomes-Framework.pdf (ndti.org.uk)
Choices booklets (Skills for Worcestershire): Choices careers and advice magazines and booklets
WCC resources to support SEND Students: SEND resources
Person-centred reviews: AR.Personcentredplanningmeetings.fINAL.pdf (councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk)