Learn, upskill and find work
Promoting learning, getting people online, supporting digital inclusion, and helping people into work.
Adult Learning Courses in libraries
Libraries host a range of Adult Learning courses across Worcestershire.
Job clubs
Job clubs provide practical weekly support for people currently looking for work. This is a free drop-in service, so no appointment is required.
Volunteering, training and work experience
Work experience, volunteering and training placements are available at libraries throughout Worcestershire.
Online job-seeking support
Digital resources to assist with finding work and improving skills for the workplace.
Study Happy
‘Study Happy’, a partnership between Worcestershire Libraries and The University of Worcester, is all about helping students to reach their academic goals while also prioritising their wellbeing.
Digital Inclusion - Helping You Online
Ensuring local communities have the skills and confidence to access digital information and services and to feel safe online.
Libraries vacancies
Search and apply for library vacancies on WMJobs.