To upgrade your Library membership to Libraries Unlocked you need to go through an induction session with library staff so we can show you how the system works and how to use the library during Unlocked times. Induction sessions are available daily, they take about 15 mins. No need to book, just drop in during the following time slots and bring your library card with you.
Day time slots
Monday: 11.30am, 11:45am, midday, 12:15pm
Tuesday: 11.30am, 11:45am, midday, 12:15pm, 2:30pm, 2:45pm, 3:00pm, 3:15pm
Wednesday: 2:30pm, 2:45pm, 3:00pm, 3:15pm
Thursday: 11.30am, 11:45am, midday, 12:15pm
Friday: 11.30am, 11:45am, midday, 12:15pm
Saturday: 11.30am, 11:45am, midday, 12:15pm