Active travel and improvements

Active travel and improvements

Information about active travel and the wide range of improvements made across Worcestershire. 

There have been a wide range of improvements made to active travel across Worcestershire in 2023 and in 2024.

Improvements include:

  • new pavements
  • new road crossings
  • canal towpath enhancements
  • the installation of dropped kerbs
  • brand-new active travel routes

The below map shows the improvements that have been delivered over the past 12 months.

Stakeholder Group

An Active Travel Stakeholder Group has been set up to bring together representation from user groups whose focus is to enhance the counties walking, wheeling and cycling network.

The stakeholder group brings together both public and private organisations to support cycling, walking and wheeling as a natural choice for shorter journeys.

The group will have the opportunity to comment, using their expertise, on developing plans from proposal through to delivery to ensure that appropriate representation from user groups has been considered at each stage.

The group will meet quarterly, with additional meetings and sub-groups meeting more often online.

The first meeting of the group took place on 10 May 2023 and was chaired by Councillor Mike Rouse, Worcestershire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport. The meeting brought together over 30 participants from various backgrounds, representing groups and organisations from across the county.

If you represent a group or organisation in the county and would like to get involved, let us know by emailing


Active Travel Stakeholder Group Agenda 21 May 2024 (PDF)

Active Travel Stakeholder Group Agenda 25 January 2024 (PDF)

Self Assessment

The Council has delivered a number of schemes in the county, compliant with LTN 1/20, including:

  • fully segregated cycleways
  • secure cycle parking
  • junction enhancements for active travel
  • route improvements
  • new road crossings
  • routes in 20mph zones
  • three active travel bridges

Further proposals in development, include:

  • significant walking and cycling provision integrated into major road network 
  • Levelling Up Funding applications
  • committing internal Council funding to deliver a further two new active travel river bridges to enhance connectivity and facilitate modal shift

We have committed around £20million of project funding to active travel, and 33% of section 106 and section 278 funding from developers. 

Local Transport Plan

Our Local Transport Plan 4 (2018 to 2030) sets out 28 active travel corridors setting the strategic direction for the Local Cycling and Walking infrastructure Plans (LCWIP).

 Our first LCWIP for Evesham is being finalised, by consultants and we have commissioned a second from Sustrans for Redditch.

Self assessment

We want to improve the active travel provision across the county and we have a forward pipeline for further plans, subject to funding.

Active Travel England invited all local authorities to do a self-assessment of their own performance on active travel, selecting a level between 0 to 4. It was Active Travel England’s expectation that most local authorities would score Level 1 or Level 2

Following detailed work on the submission, we rated our performance at Level 1. However, feedback from Active Travel England has downgraded the Council to Level 0.

See our self assessment below:

Scoring criteria

Level 0

  • no local leadership or support for active travel
  • no plans in place
  • delivered lower complexity schemes only

Level 1 

  • some local leadership and support
  • basic plans and isolated interventions

Level 2

  • strong local leadership and support
  • strong plans and emerging network

Level 3

  • very strong local leadership and support
  • comprehensive plans
  • majority of the network in place with increasing modal share

Level 4

  • promoted walking and cycling by creating a culture of active travel
  • well-connected network and supportive policies, aiming to decrease reliance on car trips
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