Bus Infrastructure (BI)
The provision and maintenance of bus shelters is generally regarded in areas where two-tier administrations operate as a ‘grey area’, both legally and politically.
Traditionally Worcestershire bus shelters have been provided by us and advertising companies over time, with the city, districts or advertising companies taking over maintenance of these structures as part of their cleaning regimes.
This arrangement has peculiarities, since the public highway (on which most of these bus shelters are situated) is owned and maintained by us as the highways authority.
As such, the vested interest in the provision and maintenance of these structures’ rests with us.
Currently there is mixed ownership of shelters throughout the County which has resulted in an inconsistent level of quality, with highly variable standards of maintenance and cleanliness on a stop-by-stop basis with no official maintenance and repair contract existing for any current owner.
Shelters and infrastructure give the first impression of using public transport and as such need to be of a high quality and maintained if public perception.
Taking control of Infrastructure assets will provide several benefits to the Authority and members of the public:
- ownership issues are resolved, responsibilities clear
- maintenance contract for shelters established
- standardised shelters enhance public perception
- clarity on infrastructure responsibility makes sure efficient issue resolution
- technology investment matched with infrastructure upgrade
- redesign and rebranding bus service perception and spreading information
- links to the ability to provide infrastructure solutions that we are delivering
- innovative infrastructure solutions support county goals
The delivery objectives for Bus Infrastructure in this iteration of the Bus Service Improvement Strategy (BSIP) and subject to funding are: