Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans (LCWIPs)

Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans (LCWIPs)

Information about the development of the local cycling and walking infrastructure plans in the county.

We are committed towards active travel and encouraging our residents and visitors to walk, wheel and cycle.

The Government aims for half of all short urban trips to be walked, wheeled, or cycled by 2030. To help reach this goal, we are creating Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) for our main towns and Worcester City during 2023-24.

In 2017, the Government introduced its first Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, encouraging local authorities to make their own cycling and walking plans for better planning and improvements.

LCWIPs are a new way to identify local cycling and walking improvements, as outlined in the Government’s strategy.

LCWIPs will help Worcestershire secure future investment in active travel through funding bids and discussions with developers. The development of our LCWIPs has been supported by £160K from the Capability Building Fund given by Active Travel England.

For more information on active travel see: Active Travel England – Self Assessment


They will provide:

  • network plans that identify preferred routes for further development
  • a prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements for future investment
  • an explanation of the process followed, and analysis undertaken

Our Local Transport Plan 4 (2018 to 2030) identified 28 active travel corridors which will help inform the strategic direction for the new LCWIPs.

The LCWIPs will be developed over the next two years and will be a key element of the new Local Transport Plan 5. They will build upon existing and emerging planning policies putting walking, wheeling and cycling at the heart of local planning.

Emerging route proposal for Redditch LCWIP

Why are we developing a cycling and walking plan for Redditch?

In 2017, the Government released its first Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, encouraging local authorities to create their own cycling and walking plans for better planning and improvements.

These plans, called Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs), are a new way to identify needed cycling and walking improvements locally.

LCWIPs will help Worcestershire secure future investment in active travel through funding bids and discussions with developers.

The development of our LCWIPs has been supported by £160K from the Capability Building Fund given by Active Travel England.

Public Engagement on the emerging routes for the Redditch Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Thank you for your feedback on the emerging route proposals for the Redditch Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) undertaken between 27 October and 24 November 2023.

A summary report of outcomes can be found here, together with our response to the key themes: Redditch LCWIP Public Engagement Report (PDF).

What happens next?

The information from this first engagement process has been carefully reviewed and included in a draft Redditch LCWIP, which will be completed in 2024.

The draft Redditch LCWIP will list the top routes to be developed over the next ten years (if funding allows) to make walking, cycling, and wheeling safer and more enjoyable.

The draft Redditch LCWIP will ensure that cycling and walking are considered in local planning and transport policies and will help secure future funding for active travel infrastructure. There will be another engagement process when the draft LCWIP is ready.

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