Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)

More information about PCN's for Lowesmoor and Sansome Street Bus Lane in Worcester.


Pay for a Penalty Charge Notice (Bus Lane PCN) and to view information about the contravention:

Pay online


There are set statutory grounds on which representations may be made, these can be found on your PCN. If you think one or more of the listed grounds applies to your case and you believe that the penalty charge should not be paid you may make representations to us.

Representations can be made here:

Appeal a PCN

Alternatively, they can be put in writing and sent to:

Worcestershire County Council, PO Box 352, Sheffield, S98 1YE

There is space on the PCN to write your representation, if using a separate sheet, please include your PCN number.

Bus lane locations

Sansome Street bus lane


  • between 3:30pm and 6:30pm on all days

Lowesmoor or St Nicholas Street bus lane


  • at all times
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