Post 16 learning options for young people with SEND
Information about the many different learning opportunities post 16.
There are many different Post 16 learning opportunities available for young people with SEND in Worcestershire. We have listed the different options below, but as opportunities change constantly it is always best to check with the providers first.
Whilst a young person is at school, they should be provided with careers advice and guidance from their school from Year 9 onwards. If the young person has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) outcomes for further education/training should be included within their Annual Reviews so that students are fully prepared for transition into further education or training.
Learning can comprise of full-time education in school or college, traineeships, apprenticeships or supported internships. Young people may also be engaged in other forms of training intended to lead to agreed outcomes.
Students can progress through two main routes: full time education or work-based learning/training.
All students in education aged 16 to 19 will be expected to follow a study programme that offers breadth, depth and challenge. This should be tailored to their individual needs, education and employment goals.
Part of the study programme will include the requirement to continue to study maths and English unless they have achieved at least a C or 4 in their GCSEs. Depending on the level previously achieved, this could be studying for a Functional Skills qualification instead of a GCSE.