Public rights of way searches
A Public Rights of Way Search will identify recorded public rights of way over a particular area of land.
A Public Rights of Way Search will identify recorded public rights of way over a particular area of land. We charge a fee for this service.
If you wish, we will also check whether the land is affected by any claims or changes on the Definitive Map. We do not hold information on land ownership or private rights of access.
Our charge for providing this information varies according to the area to be covered by the Search. Extracts of the Definitive Map are generally produced at a scale of 1:5000.
Please email / send a plan showing the area of land you would like the Search to cover to.
Contact the Public Rights of Way team
Public Rights of Way, Mapping Team, Worcestershire County Council, Worcester Woods Country Park, Wildwood Drive, Worcester WR5 2LG
Please also advise if you would like the Search to include a check of the Public Path Orders list and the Modification Orders register for any claims or changes for the area.
Someone from the Mapping Team will then let you know what size extract is needed to cover the area as shown on your plan and the cost for an extract of the Definitive Map.
As a guide, the cost of an extract of the map and associated information are based on our standard charges below:
- A4 - £66.00
- A3 - £130.00
- A2 - £233.00
- A1 - £300.00
- A0 - £392.00
Please note: The public rights of way search service is different from a Local Authority Search, personal search or a land and property search.
A public rights of way search is specifically concerned with Public Rights of Way and if a property is affected by one. Often, these searches are commissioned following a Local Authority or personal search where more detail is required.
For other types of Search, especially those involving Con29 questions, Extent of public Highway and Adopted Roads please see our Land and Property Enquiries page.