Get involved in Council matters
Find out how you can get involved.
Ways you can get involved
- you can contact your local councillor with any issues in your community
- you can watch the meetings online
- you can read our meeting papers online
- you can also get involved by having your say on the issues we carry out consultation on
- don't forget to use your vote in the local elections as a councillor is elected by the community to represent its views
- you may want to consider working for us as an employee.
- you can also join Worcestershire ViewPoint panel whose views and opinions will help to improve and develop all our services
Attend meetings at the County Hall
Whilst meetings are being held at County Hall following the lifting of Covid restrictions, arrangements may vary at each meeting depending on circumstances at the time. Please check agendas for each meeting for details about public participation.
Everyone who lives or works in Worcestershire may be affected by decisions made by the County Council.
Many important decisions are made by your elected Councillors at various meetings, nearly all of which are open to the public. Meetings usually take place at County Hall, Worcester, and most begin at 10am.
At Worcestershire County Council we believe in open and accountable government. Members of the public are very welcome to attend these meetings, whether to hear what is being said, or to participate and ask a question, present a petition or make their own views known. You can also record and film public meetings in line with the Council's protocol.
There are different meetings dealing with different topics, for example Council decides the policy framework and budget, Cabinet makes wide-ranging executive decisions and Planning and Regulatory Committee decides county planning applications.
You can also get involved in the Overview and Scrutiny process, which is a key part of the checks and balances necessary to hold the Cabinet to account and review the services provided by the Council.
Participate in the meetings
Members of the public can participate at meetings, including Council, Cabinet and Committees, in any of the following ways:
- presenting a relevant petition to the meeting and explaining its contents or purpose
- asking a question at the meeting
- making a comment on any matter on the agenda of the meeting
The provisions are set out in Appendix 2 of the Council’s Constitution.
Separate arrangements have been made for participation at Planning and Regulatory Committee.