Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Information about Child Sexual Exploitation which is a form of child sexual abuse.
I am worried about a child
If you have an urgent concern:
- call the police: 999
- Crimestoppers can be called on: 0800 555111
- ChildLine can be called on: 0800 1111 or Childline Website
What is child sexual exploitation?
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of child sexual abuse where an individual or a group of people takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child (anyone under the age of 18) into sexual activity for which the child receives something they want or need in exchange.
This could be food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, money, gifts or affection. This could also be for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator. A victim may initially think the relationship is consensual. Child sexual exploitation can occur online, as well as in person, and does not always include physical contact.
For more information on Child sexual exploitation, see: Safe and Sound - What is CSE?
Spotting the signs of CSE
It can be difficult to recognise the warning signs of CSE as they are similar to the challenges that all parents of teenage or near-teenage children face.
It's important that you know how to spot the signs of CSE, whether you are a parent, young person or a member of the public.
Links to services and support
The following websites can offer further advice and guidance about what CSE is, how to report it as well as advice and support for families who have experienced CSE: