Book a death appointment

Book a death appointment

Book an appointment with the registration service.

Only book an appointment: once the medical examiner's office have informed you that paperwork has been emailed to Worcestershire Register Office. 

If the death was referred to the coroner, the coroners' office will inform you when the paperwork has been sent to the Register Office. 

It is no longer a requirement to register a death within 5 days of the date of death.

Book your appointment

Once the death has been registered, the form for the funeral will still be sent directly to the funeral director and burial/ cremation authority via email on your behalf.

Further support

The Registration Service may contact you, if you have not booked an appointment and the statutory deadline is close.

If you need further clarification, please complete an enquiry form and one of our dedicated team will respond to you:

Tell Us Once service

“Tell Us Once”  is provided to all death informants during the death registration appointment. 

It is a national programme led by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on behalf of the Government, to transform the way in which people can tell Government (Central and Local) about changes to their circumstances.

All deaths registered in Worcestershire are entered into the Tell Us Once System and families are provided with a letter providing information on how to use the full service either online or by telephone.

See the video below for more information about the service.

Reporting a death using the Tell Us Once service

(DWP sign language) Reporting a death using the Tell Us Once service

More information on the Tell Us Once Service (GOV.UK).

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