Prevention of extremism and radicalisation

Prevention of extremism and radicalisation

Our aims are to prevent people being drawn into terrorism and to support the local communities and institutions to challenge and reject the message of extremism.

What are our current concerns?

The internet and social media have proven to be powerful tools for extremists to radicalise individuals. We, therefore have a concern that radicalisers may especially influence vulnerable people with their propaganda materials. Without support, a person, who might have questions about their own identity and place in society, might become a target for grooming.

What are we doing to prevent extremism and radicalisation?

We shall be working to embed the "Prevent" agenda into Worcestershire County Council activity by supporting families, individuals, schools, colleges, fostering services and safeguarding services.

We all need to together promote strong and positive relationships between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods.

Advice for employees of Worcestershire County Council

Are you concerned about how someone is behaving? If you are, talk to someone such as you colleague about your worries first.

For the next steps please download our Prevention of extremism and radicalisation – Referral Process (PDF) document.

There are 2 ways to submit a referral, you can make a referral online or complete the national referral form (PDF) and email to:

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