What is Adult Safeguarding?
Find out about adult safeguarding in Worcestershire.
We all have the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding in Worcestershire responds to concerns about abuse and neglect in relation to adults who:
- require care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs)
- are experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect; and
- as a result of their care and support needs are unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.
Abuse can happen anywhere at any time. You can find out more information about what abuse and neglect is and how to identify it. Abuse may only happen once or may happen many times over a period of time. Reoccurring cases of poor care might be an indicator of more a serious problem – for example organisational abuse.
Keeping people safe from abuse and neglect (Safeguarding) is everybody’s responsibility.
Useful links
If you are concerned about the abuse or neglect of a person with care and support needs:
All professionals and members of the public are required to report a safeguarding concern if they suspect that a person with care and support needs is experiencing abuse or neglect.