Learning Disability Partnership Board
The Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) focuses on achieving better outcomes for people with a Learning Disability and their families.
Worcestershire Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) was set up as part of the national Learning Disability Strategy Valuing People White Paper published in 2001 and Valuing People Now published in 2009. The Learning Disability Partnership Board’s membership is made up of partners from across Worcestershire, including Expert Members by experience, Family Carers, providers of services and professionals.
The LDPB focuses on achieving “better outcomes for people with a Learning Disability and their families” by delivering the Adult Learning Disability Strategy. Through the strategy and board, all partners in Worcestershire are committed to making sure that we work together to deliver the actions and outcomes set out in the strategy. The current Strategy is due to come to an end and a new Strategy is now being developed.
The LDPB has several Sub-Groups which are set up to focus on some of the “Big Aims” in the Strategy including: Staying Healthy, Living Well, Having a Place to Live, Having a Job (Work Options group), The Right Support for Carers and Preparing for Adulthood.
The LDPB meets six times a year, and this webpage is where you can find Minutes and supporting documents from each meeting, as well as other useful information relating to Learning Disabilities in Worcestershire.