Council finance
Pay for services and find out more about Council finances.
Make a payment
Pay for council services.
Statement of accounts
The Council produces an annual Statement of Accounts after the end of each financial year.
Council Tax and budgets
Find out how to pay Council Tax to your local district Council and how we use the money.
Pay policy statement
Find out more on the County Council's strategic stance on pay.
Payments to commercial suppliers
Over £500 and Government Procurement Card transactions.
Notice of appointment of auditor
Under section 8(2) of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the council must publish a notice relating to the appointment of its auditor.
Finance policies and efficiency plan
View the Council's Constitution, efficiency plan and other policies.
Financial Services team information
Find out more about Financial Services.
Internal Audit
Internal audit plays a vital part in advising the Council that these arrangements are in place.
Premier Supplier Partnership (PSP)
An early payment programme that gives suppliers the opportunity to be paid earlier than contracted terms.