Councillors' Divisional Fund Scheme
Enables local members to access money to help local initiatives and support 'good works' which play an important role.
Each of the 57 members of the Council have an allocation of £10,000 (per financial year), to spend on locally-determined initiatives within their Divisions. They have reasonable discretion as to how to spend their allocation, as long as they are lawful for the Council, rational and are properly recorded.
The WCDF is aimed at one-off items of expenditure or supporting community activity, local and national charities or voluntary organisations within the local Division.
Formal applications for bids to the WCDF can only be submitted by the local County Councillor; however, individuals or organisations can contact their local Councillor and seek support from the Fund. If you do want to contact your Councillor for support, it would be helpful if you could provide them information on how support from the WCDF would promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of the local area, or those people within it.