EHCP – Education, Health and Care plans
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) support is available at every stage of education.
This can be identified in the early years setting and follow the young person through every stage of their education.
If your child’s school or setting can't meet your child's needs using the support they usually offer to children who need extra help, we may carry out a needs assessment for your child. This is called an Education Health and Care Assessment or EHC assessment. When your child's needs have been assessed a plan for meeting them may be drawn up. This plan is called an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
SEND Services
If you have any questions about Education, Health and Care Plans you can contact SEND Services:
Call the helpline: 01905 845579
Email: sen@worcestershire.gov.uk
The latest SEND Services team structure can be found here: AAD Directorate staffing update (PDF)
We operate a phone surgery appointments system so that calls from your case worker can be booked. To find out more, please see the Phone Surgery appointments drop-down below.
Important information about EHC Needs Assessments
The SEND Service has carried out an internal upgrade of our case management and information systems from February 2023. This now includes an easier and more secure way for schools and parents to submit requests for EHC Needs Assessments and for submitting Annual Review paperwork.
For parents or carers, this upgrade should provide an easier and more secure platform to communicate with the SEND Service. You will also be able to see updates and/or progress of your Child’s Assessment and life cycle of their EHCP.
If your child/young person already has an EHCP, then we will be in contact over the coming months to invite you to set up an individual user account, to give you access to the new Parent Portal.
We have produced guides to this new EHCP Assessment process, and how to use the portal. We have also produced a list of frequently asked questions and answers to help with any queries you may have.
They can be downloaded here:
- parents guide to submitting and EHC assessment request (PDF)
- parent guide to setting up a parent portal account (PDF)
- schools guide to EHCP portal (PDF)
- questions about the Parent Portal (PDF)
Parents can also continue to submit a request for an EHC Needs Assessment via previous methods such as email or letter to sen@worcestershire.gov.uk
If you have any questions, please email sen@worcestershire.gov.uk or call SEND Services helpline: 01905 845579
Guidance about what to do if you are not happy about a decision can be found here: I’m not happy with my child’s EHCP.
All-Age Disability Directorate staffing structure
To keep our SEND families informed we regularly update the SEND team information in the document below to reflect any changes.
Early Years Inclusion Support
Requesting an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment
Are you competing an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment for a child in readiness for starting in reception?
EHCNA Recommended Paperwork - YouTube
If so, you might find these two guides, written by the Inclusion team, a useful tool as they take you carefully through the process, giving practical hints and tips along the way.
Download: Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment presentation (PDF)
Download: Liquid Logic Guide to submitting an EHC assessment request (PDF)
Further information and advice on SEND and EHCPs
- Guide to the Belonging Regulations (PDF)
- GOV.UK - SEND support: easy-read guide for children and young people
- Early years inclusion team
- Inclusion Support Services
- Exclusions from school
- SEND Code of Practice
- Herefordshire and Worcestershire SENDIASS
- SEN support information
- Graduated Response
- I’m not happy with my child’s EHCP