Accessing funding children and young people post 19 years of age
Funding for Further Education and support arrangements for young people accessing Further Education will vary according to age and it is important to take this into account when considering delaying school entry because the young person will be one year older than their peers.
Up to the age of 19. education and any additional support required is available to those young people with and without EHC Plans.
Post 19 students aged 19 and over who do not have an EHC plan (including those who declare a learning difficulty or disability) may be charged fees for courses and funding for significant additional learning support may not be available.
Students aged 19 and over who have EHC Plans will be funded and charges for courses will not be made, support will be available as determined by the Plan.
Accessing funding for children and young people post 19 years of age
Funding for Further Education and support arrangements for young people accessing Further Education will vary according to age and it is important to take this into account when considering delaying school entry because the Young Person will be one year older than their peers.
Up to the age of 19 - Education and any additional support required is available to those Young People with and without EHC Plans
Post 19 - Students aged 19 and over who do not have an EHC plan (including those who declare a learning difficulty or disability) may be charged fees for courses and funding for significant additional learning support may not be available
Students aged 19 and over who have EHC Plans will be funded and charges for courses will not be made, support will be available as determined by the Plan.
The School Admissions Code places a statutory responsibility on all Local Authorities to have a Fair Access Protocol which all schools in their area comply with, to ensure that all unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a suitable school place without unnecessary delay.