Surface dressing programme
Surface dressing is an important part of our road maintenance programme and is used to extend the life of roads across the county.
The Surface dressing programme for 2024 is now complete. The 2025 programme will begin March to April next year.
Surface dressing is a process that is used to improve the surface of the roads and slows down the deterioration of the road surface. The quick and efficient process means that disruption to road users, local businesses and emergency services is kept to a minimum.
The process is a cost-effective way of restoring the road surface to:
- extend the life of an existing surface
- reduce further deterioration of the road’s condition
- improve the skid resistance of the road surface
- seal the road against water preventing potholes forming in winter
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Even though this process is a quick operation, it is weather dependent and cannot be carried out if the weather is too hot, wet or too cold, so the programme may change at short notice.
Signs will be displayed on the road before work starts informing residents and business of the intended window of delivery, if there are any changes to the programme of works the signs are updated accordingly. A letter drop will also be undertaken wherever possible.
In some cases, temporary traffic lights may have to be used on site for safety reasons.
The new surface is ready to use straight after application but will take a few days to settle down. Speed limits are in place, but drivers are asked to drive slowly and carefully and in accordance with the temporary speed limit. There may be some loose stone chippings around. All road markings are repainted soon after the work is completed.