Social care support for young adults with disabilities
The Young Adults team within the All-Age Disability Service work with young adults who have an additional need and/or disability.
Wherever possible all children and young people, with or without disabilities, should be supported to have their individual needs met by their family and by universal (available to everyone) and targeted services which are available in their local community.
The All-Age Disability (AAD) Service includes the AAD 0-25 Social Care Service who, through the Children with Disabilities Team (0-16 service) and Young Adults Team (16-25 service) provide a specialist service to those children and young people aged 0-25 who have profound and complex disabilities.
Download: All-Age Disabilities Eligibility Criteria (PDF)
Young Adults Team (16-25) - Who are we?
The team is made up of specialist social workers, family support workers, a carer support worker and an administration support team.
All our referrals come from the 0-16 service and the service acts a transition point between Childrens and Adults services.
If you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (also known as an EHCP) and have a diagnosed disability (learning, physical, sensory impairment or autism) we may be able to support you in preparing for your adult life.
Who do we support?
The team supports young people, who have been known to the 0-16 part of the AAD Social Care Service and will have complex needs and a range of disabilities. The support is from 16 years of age and is to undertake transition planning to support the young person and their parents/carers, to ensure a seamless transition from children’s to adult social care.
Preparing for adulthood
The focus is on preparing young people for adulthood, to achieve their aspirations in a person-centred and personalised way. The aim is to support young people into supported employment, promote opportunities for independent living, and enable community inclusion that promotes/maximises independence, health and wellbeing. This is achieved via a range of pathways defined as appropriate to meet individual needs that supports the young people to have choice, control, and the right to self-determination and to achieve their individual aspirations.
As you become an adult
Before you become an adult, the team can offer advice and guidance to you, your family and other professionals (such as SEND Case Officers, Teachers and Social Workers). Where we know about you, and you are on the pathway, we will contribute towards your EHCP School Reviews.
As you turn 17, we may be able to offer an Adult Social Care Assessment. This is where a someone from the team will meet with you to find out things like:
- the things and people that are important to you in your life
- what you are good at
- what you enjoy
- how you can be involved in your community (for example meeting friends, enjoying hobbies, having a job)
- your practical, everyday skills – for example managing money, travelling, staying safe and washing and dressing
At the end of the assessment, we will have an idea of what you want to do as an adult along with any outcomes, goals and support that you may need and any potential for future independence.
The attached transition checklist may help as a guide during the different phases of transition and preparing for adulthood.
Download: Transition Checklist for Young People (PDF)
The social care institute for excellence have produced a guide on Preparing for adulthood: The role of social workers. This guide looks at what social workers need to do to help young people with learning disabilities prepare for adulthood (transition).
Useful contacts
Preparing for Adulthood: All Tools & Resources - NDTi
Routes for how to make a referral
0 to 18 Refer to Children's Social Care
18 plus How to make a referral to Adult Social Care