Your rights regarding making decisions (SEND)
Information and support available to help you make a decision.
Where decisions are being made, it is important that you are able to give your views and that they are considered when making plans with you.
You may need support to explain your views to others, and this support might come from your family or professionals who you get on with (such as teaching staff, learning mentors or social worker). An example might be giving your views and aspirations at a review meeting.
If you have complex disabilities the charity Sense have a page on their website with useful information about Making decisions, you can find it here: Making decisions about your life - Sense.
When it comes to decisions about your next steps in relation to employment or further study, there is support available to you directly from the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS).
If you are a care leaver more information about the support you can access regarding decision making can be found at: Care leavers.
For parents or carers we have included information in the drop down below about parental responsibilities, how these change as your young person becomes 18, the Mental Capacity Act, appointees, deputies and power of attorney.
- Making decisions about your life - Sense
- SENDIASS Young Person Advisor
- Care leavers
- Someone to speak up for you (advocacy)
- Parental responsibility & mental capacity beyond 16 | Contact
- Mental capacity act resource pack (mencap.org.uk)
- Mental Capacity Act - Social care and support guide - NHS.
- Mental Capacity Act 2005: An easy read guide (careengland.org.uk)
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) | What is it and why does it matter?
- DoLS Guide (PDF)