What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection

What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection

Worcestershire’s services for children and young people with SEND were inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in April 2024. The whole local area partnership was part of the inspection which includes NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board, Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council.

Read the full Ofsted and CQC report

Ofsted and CQC inspectors identified there are “widespread and/or systemic failings leading to significant concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), which the local area partnership must address urgently”. Inspectors have given the partnership two priority actions to improve:

  1. address the long waiting times for community paediatrics, the neurodevelopment assessment pathway, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Leaders should also improve the support available while children and young people wait
  2. develop genuine co-production with children and young people with SEND at a strategic level. Children and young people should feel they have fully participated in the process of developing services, improvement strategies and plans that meet their needs

An additional three areas for improvement have also been identified through the inspection. 

These are:

  1. Leaders across the partnership should work at pace to implement the action plans that underpin the SEND strategy and seek to address the areas identified as priorities
  2. Leaders across the partnership should work at pace to continue to improve the timeliness and quality of new EHC plans and the quality of existing plans
  3. Leaders across the partnership should continue to address the long waiting times for children and young people requesting support from CAMHS

Read the improvement plans

As a result of the inspection, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector has asked the local area partnership to co-produce a Priority Action Plan to address the two priority actions, and an Improvement Plan to address the three areas for improvement. Both of these plans have been approved by Ofsted and the Department for Education and can be found via the links below. 

Read the Priority Action Plan (PDF)

Read the Improvement Plan (PDF)

What happens now?

We will receive a monitoring inspection after 18 months (expected Autumn 2025) and a full inspection after three years (expected Spring 2027). 

We are in the process of recruiting a new independent chair for our SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Executive Board. The Chair will provide governance, strategic direction and performance management of leaders of the SEND local area partnership. 

The Department for Education (DfE) and NHS England will also be doing ‘deep dives’ on our priority actions after three, six and nine months to ensure things are progressing as they should. This will include assessing how effectively the partnership is responding to the inspection report recommendations, to identify concerns and to determine any next steps. 

Joint statement from the Local Area Partnership

NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board, Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council have issued the below joint statement in response to the inspection report:

“We fully accept their findings and recommendations on what the Worcestershire Local Area Partnership needs to improve. Whilst the report recognises that progress has been made in some areas, the Partnership would like to apologise to those children and young people with SEND who have not received the timely support they need.

“We face similar challenges to Partnerships up and down the country, however we know that more can be done locally. As a Partnership, we are committed to reducing waiting times and providing better support for those children and young people who are currently waiting.

“We value the input of parent carers, and we are committed to coproducing with them throughout this process. We want children and young people with SEND to feel truly seen and respected as individuals and this will be a key priority for us in further developing our co-production of services.”

How you can get involved

Representatives from the local area partnership have met with the Worcestershire Youth Cabinet and Worcestershire’s Parent Carer Forum is working closely with the local area partnership to bring the voice of parent carers to our services, plans and strategies. We held a recent ‘priority action co-production workshop’ for parent carers and will hold future co-production events as we progress in our journey of improvement.

You can link in with the Parent Carer Forum to find out about the latest news, developments and events or get more involved and attend co production workshops, forums, discussion groups or become a parent carer rep at regular meetings with the local area partnership. 

Find out more about the Parent Carer Forum on their website

Follow Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum on Facebook for the latest news and events

We send out regular All-Age Disability newsletter to anyone who is signed up to our Children’s Disability and Additional Needs Register (who has provided their email address and opted in to receiving updates). The newsletters will include regular updates on the improvements we’re making in SEND services. 

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