Other neurodivergent conditions - including Dysgraphia and Tourette’s syndrome
About Dysgraphia
Dysgraphia is a neurological condition which affects the way a person produces written language. This means they may struggle with putting their thoughts into the written word, they may miss words, order them incorrectly and spelling can be challenging.
People with dysgraphia often find speaking rather than writing is easier.
About Tourette’s syndrome
Tourette’s syndrome causes the person to make sudden, involuntary movements and sounds, known as tics. As with other conditions the severity can vary from person to person but things such as stress, anxiety and tiredness can aggravate the symptoms.
About Misophonia
People with misophonia have an extreme sensitivity to certain everyday sounds, which most people easily ignore. Repetitive sounds such as someone tapping their feet, using a keyboard or someone chewing can provoke an extreme emotional reaction. They cannot ignore these noises and it can make life debilitating.
About executive dysfunction or cognitive functioning difficulties
Executive function is controlled by the front of the brain and allows people to do things such as problem solve, organise, make decisions and plan. Without realising it we use them to do everyday tasks like driving, cooking and chores. Executive dysfunction means that someone can find it difficult to do some or all of these things, which can make life very difficult.