Flooding and your property
This page gives advice on how to prepare you property for flooding and to find out if any flooding is forecast.
Assessing the risk of flooding
Your property/ business could be at risk from flooding. The flooding could be from different sources: types of flooding.
Check if your property is at risk from flooding:
Long term flood risk assessment for locations in England
If your property is as risk, you could create your own flood plan, for more information:
Make your property flood resilient
Risk of flooding:
- find out if you're at risk of flooding in England
- visit Know your Flood Risk for live flood updates app and to buy a flood report for your property
Flood protection:
- visit National Flood Forum for information on Flood Protection and Resilience and preparing for flooding (also visit Facebook - The National Flood Forum)
- download homeowners guide to flood resilience
- see information on how to get sandbags
- visit BRE for useful flooding tips for your property
- download BRE - Six Steps to Property Level Flood Resilience
Flood insurance:
- for specialist flooding insurance for properties at risk or have previously flooded visit the FloodRe
Historic buildings:
- visit Historic England for advice on flood protection, resilience and preparing for flooding of historic buildings