Support from your health visitors (DRAFT - Best start)

Support from your health visitors (DRAFT - Best start)

Help and support is available from your local health visitors including information about weighing your baby.

Health Visitors are nurses or midwives, who have had specialist training in child development and health promotion. They support families to prevent illness and promote good health until your child turns 5 years old.

For more information about Worcestershire Health Visitors, visit: Worcestershire Health Visiting Service

Appointments with your health visitor

All families will be contacted by the team at the following points:

  • antenatal visit between 28 to 32 weeks pregnant
  • new birth visit: after you have given birth and have settled back at home, a Health Visitor will come to visit, this usually take place between day 10 to 14 post-delivery but may take place up to 21 days after your baby was born
  • 6-8 Week Review: Between 6-8 weeks, a Health Visitor will visit again to see how you are getting on
  • 12-month Review: Around the time your child turns 1, the health visiting team will contact you with an appointment to review your child’s development
  • Integrated 2 1/2-year Review (All About Me @ 2): When your child is between 2 to 2.5 year’s, the health visiting team will arrange for another appointment to check your child’s development

How to contact your health visiting team

You can contact the team via the Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) on: 01905 520 032, which is available Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm to discuss any health and development concerns you may have.

You can also email your local team using the details below:

Telephone Advisory Service (TAS)

If your child is under 5 years old and you need advice on issues such as feeding, behaviour, or toileting you can contact the Telephone Advisory Service (TAS).

The service can be accessed by parents, grandparents, or carers of children in Worcestershire up until the age of 5.

The Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) is managed by local Health Visiting Teams who can assist you with a variety of different worries and questions you have about your child.

Please note: You will speak to a member of the health visiting team, but the member of staff you speak with will not be medically trained, if your child is unwell or have any immediate concerns, please contact the most appropriate service such as: Pharmacist, GP,  NHS: 111  or 999.

The service is available Monday to Friday between 9:00am to 1:00pm by calling: 01905 520032 

Website: Health Visitors - Telephone Advisory Line (TAS)

Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH)

The Maternal Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting, known as MECSH, is a newly launched programme for families within Worcestershire centring around delivering bespoke support for families during pregnancy and the transition to parenthood.

MESCH will provide families with an assigned Health Visitor who will work with families during the remainder of the pregnancy, visiting them regularly at home to provide ongoing support around child development and practical issues such as feeding and settling until the child turns two years old.

Weighing your baby

You can weigh your baby at several locations across Worcestershire and log this in your baby’s Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) Red Book.

Parents and carers can join one of the Stay, Weigh and Play sessions, which take place within the Family Hubs or drop into one of the self-weigh stations, situated within Libraries and other community building across Worcestershire.

If your child is over the age of 2 years old and wish to get them weighed, you will need to book an appointment at one of the Well Child Clinics instead.

If you have concerns about your baby's weight you can always contact your midwife or health visitor (if in contact) or phone the Telephone Advisory Service (TAS) : 01905 520032, Monday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm.

Weighing your baby is quick and easy, but if it’s your first time using one of our self-weigh stations or need a little guidance, there is a short video and guide available here: Stay, weigh and play step-by-step guide.

After the first 2 weeks, your baby should be weighed: 

  • no more than once a month up to 6 months of age
  • no more than once every 2 months from 6 to 12 months of age
  • no more than once every 3 months over the age of 1

Find out more about weighing your baby here: Your baby's weight and height - NHS

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