Babies, toddlers, and young children
Useful resources to help you with your baby's and child's health and development.
Caring for your baby
Information and useful resources about caring for your baby.
Feeding, weaning, and healthy eating
Information about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, and healthy eating.
Sleep in babies and children
Useful resources and advice about safe sleeping in the early years.
Bonding with your baby
Making the most out of opportunities to bond and build connections.
Coping with crying
When babies cry it can be stressful and overwhelming find help and support to cope with crying.
Toilet training
Tips and advice for supporting children with potty training.
Development, emotions, behaviour, speech and language
Information to support your child's growth and development.
Healthy Start: food and vitamin support
Help to buy healthy food and milk as well as free vitamins for eligible families.
Ways to get active
There are many ways everyone can build physical activity into their lives.
Common childhood illnesses and health advice
If your child is unwell or needs medical help, find out how you can support them.
Look after your teeth
Advice for keeping up with good oral hygiene.
Immunisations and vaccinations
Information about immunisations and vaccinations.
Other support
Support from your health visitors
Help and support is available from your local health visitors including information about weighing your baby.
Is your child ready for school?
Useful information about getting your child ready to start school.
Different types of childcare and information on choosing the right type and the funding available.