Preparing for adulthood (16 to 25 years) (SEND)
Preparing for Adulthood for young people with SEND – a time for aspiration and ambition.
If you are between the ages of 14 and 25 you may be thinking about your future, what might happen when you leave school or college and how you can be as independent as you want to be?
Here you can find information about what is available to help you on your journey into adulthood. The information is sorted into the different areas you might be interested in, so you can go to the section which is about what you want to know:
- Education, training and employment – here you will find information about the different ways to occupy yourself. There is information about what courses you might like to study and where, what type of work you might want to do, either paid or volunteering and about how to get a job
- Independent living – this is where you can find out about living as independently as you’re able, it doesn’t mean living on your own. There’s information about the different types of housing available across Worcestershire. You’ll also find information about the benefits you might be entitled to and the support you can get to help you fill in forms, make decisions, and pay bills
- Participating in the Community - having friends and supportive relationships and being part of the local community, also things to do in your spare time and keeping yourself safe
- Living healthily – who and what is there to help you stay healthy
For parents and carers:
Once a young person reaches the end of compulsory school age decisions about their future sits with them and not their parents (8.13 of the Code of Practice). This is also true in the world of health, where the NHS says: People aged 16 or over are entitled to consent to their own treatment. This can only be overruled in exceptional circumstances. Young people should be supported to make informed decisions if they need it.
At 18, children legally become adults, regardless of their needs. It's a time of change and we all aim to work with everyone involved to plan for, support and recognise a young person's adult status.
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA), begins formally in year nine of the life of a young person with an EHCP, but in reality, their family and professionals working in education, health and social care have been working towards supporting a child to transition into being an adult for many years.
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) can be an exciting time for young people, full of new opportunities, but it’s also a time of uncertainty and change so good support and planning is important.
PfA in SEND is focused on outcomes for the young person, and is divided into four areas:
- Education, training and employment
- Independent living
- Participating in communities/society
- Supporting good health
The information in this section covers all aspects of the four areas, to help and support young people to make informed decisions. We have included information about who can help navigate the system and highlighted where you can expect things to change. Depending on what path a young person chooses, their EHCP could come to an end as they leave further education and we’ve included details about what happens in higher education.
In addition to this information you will also find the ‘I’m not happy with a decision’ section which has information about challenging decisions made in education, care and health which you don’t agree with. You can also find information about the support for carers, along with details of the Young Adults Social care team, for those who are eligible.