Different types of childcare and information on choosing the right type and the funding available.
Having problems finding childcare in your area?
Your first step should be using the childcare searches to find settings that have chosen to share their details.
Safeguarding and concerns about childcare
If you have concerns over the safety of any children at your childcare setting.
Progress check at age 2
The health visiting teams and early years settings work together to provide parents with an insight into their child's health and development needs.
Childcare for children who are Looked After or Adopted
Information about the support available for early years children who are Looked After or Adopted from Care.
Information about support for parents and carers
Find out about where to get advice for families in Worcestershire.
Childcare or pre-school for children with SEND
For children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan or receive Disability Living Allowance.